Country States Codes Endpoint

Learn how to use the Country States Codes Endpoint to retrieve the list of States ISO codes in each country

Country States Codes Endpoint


This API allows you to retrieve the list of ISO codes and the names of the states available in each country, allowing you to dynamically retrieve those on your front-end.

Query Parameters


        "iso": "AC",
        "name": "Acre"
        "iso": "AL",
        "name": "Alagoas"
        "iso": "AM",
        "name": "Amazonas"
        "iso": "AP",
        "name": "Amapá"
        "iso": "BA",
        "name": "Bahia"
        "iso": "CE",
        "name": "Ceará"
        "iso": "DF",
        "name": "Distrito Federal"
        "iso": "ES",
        "name": "Espírito Santo"
        "iso": "GO",
        "name": "Goiás"
        "iso": "MA",
        "name": "Maranhão"
        "iso": "MG",
        "name": "Minas Gerais"
        "iso": "MS",
        "name": "Mato Grosso do Sul"
        "iso": "MT",
        "name": "Mato Grosso"
        "iso": "PA",
        "name": "Pará"
        "iso": "PB",
        "name": "Paraíba"
        "iso": "PE",
        "name": "Pernambuco"
        "iso": "PI",
        "name": "Piauí"
        "iso": "PR",
        "name": "Paraná"
        "iso": "RJ",
        "name": "Rio de Janeiro"
        "iso": "RN",
        "name": "Rio Grande do Norte"
        "iso": "RO",
        "name": "Rondônia"
        "iso": "RR",
        "name": "Roraima"
        "iso": "RS",
        "name": "Rio Grande do Sul"
        "iso": "SC",
        "name": "Santa Catarina"
        "iso": "SE",
        "name": "Sergipe"
        "iso": "SP",
        "name": "São Paulo"
        "iso": "TO",
        "name": "Tocantins"


This endpoint is used to retrieve and display to your customer the list of States available on their country. In case we add or remove a State, this endpoint will reflect those updates real-time and, therefore, it is a good idea to constantly check this endpoint for the list of banks.

Once the user selected their State by its name (For example on a dropdown), you need to send its code to us in the payer.address.state field of the deposits requests.

The endpoint is read only and so it uses a read only API Key. It can even be used from the front-end without major security concerns.

Bank Codes Request

Request Example

// URL

Authorization: Bearer EKiFOWiHnI 

Request Fields

Bank Codes Response

Response Example

        "iso": "AC",
        "name": "Acre"
        "iso": "AL",
        "name": "Alagoas"
        "iso": "AM",
        "name": "Amazonas"
        "iso": "AP",
        "name": "Amapá"
        "iso": "BA",
        "name": "Bahia"
        "iso": "CE",
        "name": "Ceará"
        "iso": "DF",
        "name": "Distrito Federal"
        "iso": "ES",
        "name": "Espírito Santo"
        "iso": "GO",
        "name": "Goiás"
        "iso": "MA",
        "name": "Maranhão"
        "iso": "MG",
        "name": "Minas Gerais"
        "iso": "MS",
        "name": "Mato Grosso do Sul"
        "iso": "MT",
        "name": "Mato Grosso"
        "iso": "PA",
        "name": "Pará"
        "iso": "PB",
        "name": "Paraíba"
        "iso": "PE",
        "name": "Pernambuco"
        "iso": "PI",
        "name": "Piauí"
        "iso": "PR",
        "name": "Paraná"
        "iso": "RJ",
        "name": "Rio de Janeiro"
        "iso": "RN",
        "name": "Rio Grande do Norte"
        "iso": "RO",
        "name": "Rondônia"
        "iso": "RR",
        "name": "Roraima"
        "iso": "RS",
        "name": "Rio Grande do Sul"
        "iso": "SC",
        "name": "Santa Catarina"
        "iso": "SE",
        "name": "Sergipe"
        "iso": "SP",
        "name": "São Paulo"
        "iso": "TO",
        "name": "Tocantins"

Response fields

Last updated