Check the requirements and validations made over the cashouts on Brazil
Required fields
Bank Account Validations
Use the Regex below to validate the bank accounts on your end.
Bank Branch Validations
Use the Regex below to validate the valid (and invalid) bank branches on your end.
Account Types
The account_type
is specified with only one character described below.
Click here to check document types and validations.
Example Request
"login": "xxxxxxx",
"pass": "xxxxxxx",
"external_id": "30000000001",
"country": "BR",
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 100,
"document_id": "01716001340",
"beneficiary_name": "User",
"bank_account": "3423422-7",
"bank_code": "001",
"bank_branch": "1234",
"account_type": "C",
"notification_url": "https://webhook.site/url",
"type": "json"
Type of keys
If a payout is created without document_id
, it will get REJECTED.
Example Requests
"login": "xxxxxxx",
"pass": "xxxxxxx",
"external_id": "30000000001",
"country": "BR",
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 100,
"document_id": "01716001340",
"beneficiary_name": "User",
"bank_code": "10002",
"bank_account": "",
"bank_branch": "",
"account_type": "C",
"notification_url": "https://webhook.site/url",
"type": "json"
Types of Keys
If a payout is created without the mandatory fields, it will be rejected.
"login": "xxxxxxx",
"pass": "xxxxxxx",
"external_id": "30000000001",
"country": "BR",
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 100,
"document_id": "01716001340",
"beneficiary_name": "User",
"phone": "+5511666666666"
"bank_code": "10000",
"bank_account": "",
"bank_branch": "",
"account_type": "C",
"notification_url": "https://webhook.site/url",
"type": "json"
"login": "xxxxxxx",
"pass": "xxxxxxx",
"external_id": "30000000001",
"country": "BR",
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 100,
"document_id": "01716001340",
"email": "testuser@gmail.com",
"beneficiary_name": "User",
"bank_code": "10001",
"bank_account": "",
"bank_branch": "",
"account_type": "C",
"notification_url": "https://webhook.site/url",
"type": "json"
"login": "xxxxxxx",
"pass": "xxxxxxx",
"external_id": "30000000001",
"country": "BR",
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 100,
"document_id": "01716001340",
"beneficiary_name": "User",
"bank_code": "10002",
"bank_account": "",
"bank_branch": "",
"account_type": "C",
"notification_url": "https://webhook.site/url",
"type": "json"
Bank Codes