Without User Interface
Learn how to use our SDK in Javascript to allow integrations with our Deposits APIs
Getting started
Load D24 as a npm module
Install the D24.js from the npm public registry.
Manually load the D24.js script
Add the D24.js module as a script in the of your app HTML
How to use
First of all, we must instantiate the SDK.
Keep in mind that the SDK can be instantiated only once, and it is a requirement to be able to use all its methods.
In order to instantiate the SDK we need to specify the public key and the environment.
constructor(publicKey, options)
Tokenization a credit card
Once we instantiate the SDK, we can tokenize a card, said token will be used later to send it to the backend and generate the payment through an endpoint.
Possible errors
generateToken({card}): Promise<{token: string}>
This method validates that the card data is correct and generates a token. Although it has validations that occur at the frontend level, it uses a D24 endpoint to be able to generate the token which executes additional validations.
To validate the data structure, the joi library is used, therefore the errors returned at the frontend level are generated with said library.
Possible errors
Deposit Creation
Last updated