
Check the requirements and validations made over the cashouts on Chile

Required fields

Bank Account Validations

Account Types

The account_type is specified with only one character as described below.

Document Validations

Click here to check document types and validations.

Example Request

    "login": "xxxxxxxx",
    "pass": "xxxxxxxx",
    "external_id": "30000000001",
    "country": "CL",
    "currency": "CLP",
    "amount": 100,
    "document_id": "56765869",
    "bank_account": "56687456",
    "bank_code": "001",
    "account_type": "C",
    "beneficiary_name": "User",
    "notification_url": "https://webhook.site/url",
    "type": "json"

Bank Codes

For the full and most up-to-date list of banks and its codes, please check the Cashout Bank Code endpoint.